
- Rank 2:

Volcanic Spark (level 90+)
Item: 4.000 essences of fire y 10 fire horse feet.
Capturar: Ninetales.
Lista 1: 50 cloysters, 40 dewgongs, 60 exeggutors, 50 butterfrees, 30 tangelas y 50 pinsirs.
Lista 2: 175 Jynx y 100 Venusaurs.
Pokemones para Danger Room: Ninetales, Quilava, Rapidash, Charmeleon, Shiny Growlithe y Flareon.
Sugerencias para Danger Room: 

- Rank 3:

Volcanic Flame (level 100+)
Item: 5.000 essences of fire y 15 fox tails.
Capturar: Arcanine.
Lista 1: 85 haunters, 130 kadabras, 100 machokes y 80 pikachus.
Lista 2: 70 electabuzzs, 55 arcanines, 55 gengars y 70 machamps.
Pokemones para Danger Room: Arcanine, Houndoom, Macargo, Ninetales, Shiny Growthile y Rapidash.
Sugerencias para Danger Room: 

- Rank 4:

Volcanic Firetamer (level 110+)
Item: 20 giant pieces of fur y 6.000 essences of fire.
Capturar: Charizard.
Lista 1: 87 electabuzzs, 69 arcanines, 69 gengars y 87 machamps.
Lista 2: 100 wartortles, 80 sandslashs, 100 gravelers y 40 golducks.
Pokemones para Danger Room: Arcanine, Magmar, Ninetales, Houndoom, Typlosion y Charizard.
Sugerencias para Danger Room: 

- Rank 5:

Volcanic Pyromancer (level 120+)
Item: 7.500 essences of fire, 35 fire tails y 2 magma foot.
Capturar: Magmar.
Lista 1: 125 wartortles, 100 sandslashs, 100 gravelers y 56 golducks.
Lista 2: 50 snorlaxs, 100 rhydons, 50 tentacruels y 100 blastoises.
Pokemones para Danger Room: Shiny Charizard, Shiny Arcanine, Shiny Flareon, Magmar, Charizard y Arcanine.
Sugerencias para Danger Room: 

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